About HTPA

Haringey and Tottenham Palestine Action (HTPA) has been organising in Tottenham and the borough of Haringey since end of 2023. 

We launched a petition to Haringey Council in February that called on the council to support the call for ceasefire and divest the Council’s pension fund from companies implicated with the military occupation and war on the people of Palestine.

See also

Marcus Decker, a climate activist is being threatened with deportation.
Show your solidarity ➡️ Sign the petition: https://change.org/p/stop-the-deportation-of-a-peaceful-climate-activist…
Marcus was out campaigning for @haringeypals Nandita Lal yesterday in Tottenham.

If you live in Tottenham, you have the opportunity to vote for a principled local independent socialist candidate. Vote @Ditalalmolloy on 4th July, Independents Day!

@lowles_nick @hopenothate I have lots of disagreements with Galloway but spending your time doing this while Farage says Muslims threaten Britain and rises to second in the polls suggests you're either strategically inept or not much of an "anti-fascist" at all.

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